World Seafood Shanghai Exhibition (SIFSE) 2024
18th Shanghai International Fisheries and Seafood Exhibition
18th Shanghai International Aquaculture Exhibition
August 28-30, 2024 • Shanghai New International Expo Center, China
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Exhibition news

World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the 'China Good Seaf Cucumber' and 'China Good Crab'


On March 21st, Yuan Daoliang, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Secretariat was invited by Han Youheng, executive director of Shanghai Aige Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., to go to Yuanzhen Art Museum, Jianhe Road, Changning, Shanghai, and meet with the executive chairman of Trade and Business Branch of CFA and Shanghai Geqi Industry Company Chairman Ge Jinhai, Deputy Secretary General of China Fisheries Trade Association, Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Sea Cucumber Industry Branch Chi Feiyue, Founder of Yanting Bird's Nest Brand and Executive Chairman of China Liyuan Club Wang Fang, Shanghai Aige Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. "World Seafood Shanghai" project director Wei Shijun, marketing manager Ding Siming, etc. The Sea Cucumber Industry Branch will conduct in-depth exchanges on the activities related to the 16th Shanghai International Fisheries Expo held at Shanghai New International Expo Center from August 25th to 27th this year.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图1)

World Seafood Shanghai is co-sponsored by the China Aquatic Production Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Fisheries Trade Association, and Shanghai Aige Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. As a global aquatic product trade event, World Seafood Shanghai closely follows the development trend of the aquatic product and catering market. After continuous innovation and development, the scale of the exhibition has grown rapidly in recent years. Its international perspective and professional level have been widely recognized by the global aquaculture industry. And actively participate. Especially in 2020, in the face of the severe situation of the suspension of the three major seafood exhibitions in the world due to the impact of the epidemic, the organizer, together with the support of industry associations such as the Aquatic Products Business Branch of the China Fisheries Association, went against the trend and faced various pressures and successfully held the fifteenth edition. World Seafood Shanghai has contributed to the industry's resumption of work and production, and the resumption of business and the market. It has made the world's aquatic products industry, which is struggling, see a light of hope.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图2)

The Sea Cucumber Industry Branch of the China Fisheries Association was announced on September 29, 2020 in Dalian, Liaoning. The branch was established to strengthen industry self-discipline, promote green sea cucumber farming, promote the establishment of a full traceability system for the sea cucumber industry, lead industrial technological innovation and brand building, and promote supply-side structural reform as the main line to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and sustainable and healthy development for consumption. To provide more safe, nutritious and high-quality sea cucumber products, the China Fisheries Association decided to establish the "China Fishery Association Sea Cucumber Industry Branch". Lin Yi, executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Fisheries Association, was elected as the chairman of the first board of directors of the branch. He said that measures will be taken to promote the transformation, upgrading and standardized development of my country's sea cucumber industry to provide consumers with more safe and reliable high-quality sea cucumber products, continue to promote the standardized and healthy development of my country's sea cucumber industry, and make the sea cucumber industry a bright spot in my country's modern fishery development . At the inaugural meeting, the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand promotion project of the Sea Cucumber Industry Branch was launched simultaneously.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图3)

Today, everyone is focusing on how to make full use of the platform of World Seafood Shanghai, which is influential in the industry, to launch the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand of the sea cucumber industry branch in Shanghai, and use the forms of display and promotion, brand promotion, product descriptions, etc., to let consumers understand Sea cucumber consumption knowledge, to promote the healthy and orderly development of the sea cucumber industry. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, sea cucumber products have shown a good situation of both consumption and price. However, the uneven sales behavior has great hidden dangers to the sustainable development of the industry. Faced with the high and low prices caused by many factors, consumers are facing a difficult dilemma. For this reason, the launch of the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand is hoping to endorse through the platform of the China Fisheries Association, so that consumers can consume clearly.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图4)

Chi Feiyue, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General, hopes to learn from the brand practices of the Brothers Aquatic Products Trade Association "China Good Crab" and promote the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand based on the consumption characteristics of the sea cucumber industry, bringing a win-win situation for members and consumers. When the time is right, in Shanghai, Chinas largest consumer region, a unified brand sea cucumber specialty store will be launched to create a truly safe and safe consumption environment for sea cucumber aquatic products and promote the healthy development of the sea cucumber industry. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the consumer market, Shanghai International Fisheries During the expo, an industry brand development forum was held. Through the voices of industry authoritative experts and extensive media publicity, consumers were able to understand the value of sea cucumbers, so that sea cucumbers can be consumed at a price, and they can enter the market realistically.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图5)

Han Youheng, executive director of Shanghai Aige Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., said that as the host and organizer, he will welcome and support the Chinese Fisheries Association Aquatic Products Trade Branch and Sea Cucumber Industry Branch to build brands, and provide the necessary for the brand to make a wonderful appearance at World Seafood Shanghai. As one the most influential seafood and aquatic products exhibition in the world, the industry has become increasingly influential, and the brand promotion effect is undoubtedly great. This year’s Shanghai International Fisheries Expo, in accordance with the requirements of Executive Chairman Ge Jinhai, Executive Deputy Secretary-General Yuan Daoliang, and Executive Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General Chi Feiyue, will specifically highlight "Aquatic Products Trade and its "China Good Crab" and Chinese Good Sea Cucumber, etc. It is the theme exhibition area to cooperate with the promotion of the "China Good Crab" and "China Good Sea Cucumber" brands.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图6)

Ge Jinhai, the executive chairman of the Aquatic Products Trade Association and the chairman of Shanghai Geqi Industrial Co., Ltd., said that Chairman Chi Feiyue came to Shanghai again from Dalian, and communicated with everyone about participating in the Shanghai International Fisheries Expo, indicating that he attaches great importance to this work. , We must determine the general policy of participating in the exhibition through the meeting attended by several parties today, so as to facilitate the next work. Based on the participation in the Shanghai International Fisheries Expo last year, the "China Good Crab" brand will further participate in this year's exhibition activities. I hope that in some aspects, everyone will share resources and will definitely make their own contributions to the Sea Cucumber Industry Branch.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图7)

"World Seafood Shanghai" project manager Wei Shijun said that the specific arrangements for the Aquatic Products Trade Branch and the Sea Cucumber Industry Branch to participate in the exhibition and other related promotion activities will be docked. It is hoped that President Ge and President Chi will come up with the requirements as soon as possible to facilitate reasonable arrangements. I believe that with the help of President Ge, Secretary-General Yuan and others, everyone will be able to make the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand that participated in the exhibition for the first time this year.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图8)

Wang Fang, the founder of the Yanting Bird's Nest brand and the executive chairman of the China Liyuan Club, has been associated with sea cucumbers for many years. She introduced that the company's brand was founded in 2011. Yan Ting Bird's Nest integrates bird's nest into the afternoon tea culture and becomes the originator of the experiential business model of bird's nest afternoon tea. According to market demand, it has designed a free home stew service for bird's nest, which is welcomed by customers. In April 2015, he won the "Best Business Model Award" issued by the Guangdong Bird's Nest Industry Association and was invited to be the editorial board member of the authoritative book "Unlocking Bird's Nest Code" in the bird's nest industry. At the end of 2019, he won the Global Bird's Nest Golden Swallow Award for Ingenuity Quality Award, which is the highest honor in the industry. She said that she was very happy to be part of everyone's team and hoped to join hands in the future to share the development story of Chinese specialty food brands.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图9)

Finally, Yuan Daoliang, Deputy Secretary-General, stated that the Secretariat will follow the plan determined during the report with Chairman Xue Congfa on March 14th, combined with the content of communication with you today, and actively follow the ideas proposed by Executive Chairman Ge Jinhai to design our aquatic products. The Chamber of Commerce participates in World Seafood . At the same time, as a participant from the first edition of World Seafood Shanghai, he fully recognizes the influence of it, which has been developed in accordance with the market economy method, in the world, especially in promoting domestic consumption cycles. The value of participation is irreplaceable for many aquatic people. Therefore, we encourage industry companies to actively participate in the post-epidemic era to seize development opportunities. For the sea cucumber industry branch to come to Shanghai to promote the "China Good Sea Cucumber" brand, we will spare no effort in accordance with the instructions of the two presidents. Support and cooperation.

 World Seafood Shanghai will grandly launch the China Good Seaf Cucumber and China Good Crab(图10)

Before the end of the conference, the participants met in close contact, worked together for the following arrangements, and jointly used the Shanghai International Fisheries Expo platform to do a good job in brand promotion. 

News source: China Fisheries Association
